
Jostling about in the dark

"I need to cry, I need to write. Am I really any different than anyone else, and if I am, how will I know? Am I meant to change the face of the earth? and if I am, will I do so consciously, or by simply living and breathing, day to day? Greatness hurts. Judgement comes from all angles, most of all the inner ones. I have the capacity to move many, yet sometimes am powerless even to move myself. I must help those around me to help myself. Seeking. I am ever searching for me, my purpose, my life. Do we ever find it, or is the meaning of life the poise and grace we employ while stumbling around in the darkness, hoping to bump into anyone else, or most of all ourselves? I will change the world, I will change me. For at the end of the day, I know that is what I was meant to do." -Nate Gray

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