
Reclaim yourself

"Where do insecurities come from? Why do we fear anything that isn't physically harmful? What events in our childhood etch the notion in our subconscious minds that being alone is dangerous, or being ignored is painful? We are taught to give up our strength, and to let go of our own power as individuals, forcing us to succumb to the whim of society. If we're self acclaimed, or totally aware of our emotions we overload those around us who are unwilling to open themselves up to life's truth. Is that where love is born? Finding someone on the same insecurity wavelength as you? Meeting a person who is equally restricted in their ability to open up to themselves as well as others? Maybe the traumas of our childhood will always be too much for us to process and perhaps the human mind is a big catch 22; we learn so quickly as children, but just like Ill never forget that 2+2=4, I'll also never forget what it feels like when someone doesn't call back, or how quickly the absence of attention can make me jealous. How do we re-instruct our brain, and heart, to do away with inferring doubt and fear, and to simply see the facts that life places before us?

My mother always told me growing up that I should attempt to view life from the outside in when troubles came my way. In my mind I always envisioned something like a puppet show. I would do a slow camera drag out of my own self and would see a stage of actors portraying the present scenario of my life. I'd imagine how it felt to be all those other characters on stage, and would take on their pain, and fear and suffering. I would see how my actions have left others feeling abandoned or hurt and make a mental note, hoping never to treat someone in a way that hurt them ever again. This method has served me well as both and actor and humanitarian, but there is an inherent flaw that life can never remove. As I attempt to view others in this manner, I am trying to better the situation. Some people, however, refuse to allow the situation to get better. They want to be hurt, they want you to hurt them, and they need that pain to remember that they are alive. These people will always be a stumbling block in life and nothing can be done to avoid it. These people are the people that have never asked themselves the questions that I began this article with. They are people that never want to understand the comings and goings of pain, how to make it stop, nor why it started. They only know that they hurt and if you've ever been around one, they make sure that we all know about it.

Should you find yourself surrounded by these people, you have two choices: eradicate them from your life, or hope to help them through your own enlightenment. Secondly, if you realize now that you are one of those people, fix it now, look at yourself for the first time, inside and out, and claim yourself for the rest of your life."

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